Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh uainn go léir.
30 December, 2013
Picture shows Treasurer John Joe Holland presenting Margret O'Donovan with a cheque for 9400 Euro after the O'Donovan family picked the winning numbers in the club lotto.
Also in the picture is club secterary Paddy Murphy.
The great Monty Python line sums up the next item.
The trophy is interesting though..................................
Liam Murphy congratulates Neil Whelton as the winning captain proudly WEARS the trophy.
The winning team, everyone a Whelton.
Some info from Denis Whelton,
The Barryroe Masters was established in 2000 as a fun Golf competition between members of different townlands/groups within the parish of Barryroe. It is held in Fota Island annually on a day after Christmas. The format is a team fun event and therefore includes golfers of any ability. To qualify you must be from, married into, related to or carrying on with someone in a townland! If you are isolated and do not have 4 golfers in your area, you are considered an "itenerant golfer" and can play with any team who are short a player. Over 100 different players have taken part in the last 13 years. The trophy is displayed in The Pier House for all to see and is polished and touched up every week by Mr John Young, "Barryroe Masters Hon President".
Role of Honour.
2000 Tirnanean
2001 Tirnanean
2002 Seven Heads
2003 Seven Heads
2004 Cullinagh
2005 Courtmac Ladies
2006 Cullinagh
2007 Tirnanean
2008 Tirnanean
2009 Seven Heads
2010 Butlerstown
2011 Courtmac Men
2012 Tirnanean
2013 Tirnanean
The form team over the years are Tirnanean who seem to win it 2 at a time. The most dissapointing team is Cullinagh who have gone to the extreme of entering up to 3 teams per year, with suspect credentials, but who still fail to reach their potential. The O'Donovans, Murphy's and the Sextons have been known for having practise putting sessions in the Parlour of The Pier House over Christmas.